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Mission statement 使命
We seek to glorify God (Worship) by building up disciples who love one another (Fellowship), become more Christ-like (nurture), and are equipped to serve and evangelize (Mission).
目的是要榮耀神 (敬拜) , 信徒彼此相愛 (肢體生活) , 建立生命更像主耶穌 (培育), 和裝備事奉及傳福音 (外展).
vision statement 願景
We glorify God as disciples of Christ through God-centered worship, Bible-based teaching, fellowship, servanthood ministry, community service, local and global missions.
信徒藉著以神為中心的敬拜, 聖經為根基的教導, 團契, 僕人心態的事奉, 社區服務, 本地和普世的傳福音使命去榮耀神.
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